Directed by Rachel Talalay, another veteran of of the Nightmare on Elmstreet franchise, Ghost in the Machine, tells the tale of yet another serial murderer who loses his corporeal form but gains vast and ill-defined electrical powers. In fact, I think this might have been the movie I thought I was going to see when I first popped in the previously reviewed Shocker.

Meanwhile, the town is being stalked by a vicious serial murderer known as the "Address Book Killer" because of his tendency to steal address books and then slaughter everyone listed inside. You would think that this would make him relatively easy to catch (just figure out whose book he's got and make with the stake-outs) but apparently the police in this town are total incompetents. He works in a local computer store, where our heroine accidentally forgets her unwieldy address book after receiving a demonstration on how to digitize the information. His next stop: murdertown.

A white knight shows up in the form of the mainframe company's newest hire, an underemployed super-hacker who is searching for the person who keeps assaulting the system in search of info on Karen Adams, but as that person is a disembodied force roaming the internet (and by "internet" the movie means anything involving electricity) he hasn't had much luck.
The killing finally starts when he invades the first address on his list, the heroine's boss. He invades the guy's computer via the phone line, then jumps into the house's wiring in order to take over the microwave, knocking the door off and spreading dangerous microwaves all through the kitchen. It is actually a pretty spectacular sequence, with a non CG flythrough of the house's wiring, exploding bananas, and some halfway decent gore. Try to ignore the fact that windmills microwaves do not work that way (goodnight) and it is downright entertaining.

Luckily this movie has a small supporting cast, because at this pace it would take Heaven's Gate runtime to take out too many more people. The sexy babysitter is next, but first she has to get smooth-talked bribed into doing the worlds worst strip-tease for a pair of prepubescents. I guess the editor wanted to show off his porno-montage cutting skills.
Sexy Babysitter? Check. Pillow to hide your boner? Check and check.

The payoff? 10 frames of cleavage. It nearly makes the boys' heads explode, but is a pretty massive disappointment from a horror movie audience's perspective. Meanwhile, the stove makes a failed attempt at killing the baby and absolutely nothing happens with the vicious looking garbage disposal. The dishwasher, on the other hand, is one mean son of a bitch. It floods the kitchen in order to spectacularly electrocute her. Either that or she is a Highlander.

Warning: Duct Tape Detected!
What the hell system is he in? Why does this movie treat the internet and the electrical grid as though they were interchangeable? It's 2009 and we still don't have the web over powerlines. (Thank you very much ham radio jerks.) Thwarted, the killer calls every trigger happy police officer in the city over for a "domestic disturbance" so they can shoot up the place when he blows a nearby transformer.
Everybody survives the Bonny & Clyde moment and apparently give their statements to the cops in record time, because one scene later they are back home and formulating a plan to take their tormentor out with the help of the local particle accelerator. They use a computer virus to... um... force him into the real world... somehow.

It's the final 
That's a pretty poor understanding of magnetism, but I can't say I'm surprised. After all, this is a film that could simply claim that magnets scrambled the villain, but instead has the magnets suck him into a particle accelerator which then smashes "his atoms into oblivion," when, as a being composed of energy, he would only have electrons, not entire atoms. Also, a particle accelerator would only smash one atom, not all of them. Also also, when you shoot out a window of a magical magnetism proof room, the magnetism seeping in does not make wind noises. Apparently these people don't know the difference between magnets and air pressure.
After watching Ghost in the Machine twice, I really want to take back some of the mean things I said about Shocker. It perfectly addresses nearly all my complaints with the latter film, yet somehow manages to be significantly worse in the process. The killer doesn't start jumping into people's bodies for no reason, nobody has unexplained psychic links with him, there are no magic maguffins or spirit girlfriends, and the film cuts right to the chase instead of spending over a third of its runtime establishing a convoluted backstory. The only major issue that both films share is a complete disinterest in logic, physics, and establishing firm rules for their antagonists. Shocker could at least brush these issues aside with lazy references to Satanism, Ghost's only excuse is that it assumed the audience was even stupider than itself. Plus, Shocker has Mitch Pileggi as a snarling cue-ball in a goofy costume; the address book killer, to contrast, is almost completely devoid of personality even before he loses his corporeal form.
There are two main reasons for actually sitting down and watching Ghost in the Machine: (being legitimately entertained is not one of them) you are drunk and want to make fun of the filmmaker's poor grasp of how computers and electricity work, or you are drunk and want to make fun of how dated the movie is. Actually, it's a little difficult to separate the two reasons; 1993 (during which this movie most definitely takes place) was the freaking stone age of the internet. You can't blame them too much for having a character say "who has my number?" upon being alerted that he has e-mail. When he opens the e-mail and begins chatting in real time with the sender, however, you start to wonder if anyone involved in the movie had ever actually used e-mail before. (In all fairness, FeardotCom treated the net with similar cluelessness nearly a decade later.)

I'm not even going to get started on the guy who hits his monitor to keep the computer from freezing, or how when the killer attempts to enter said computer, he rams the screen from inside, making glass clanking noises.

Characters in these sorts of movies never use the same software as your or I, probably due to licensing issues of some sort. Instead they have custom designed fake software with elaborate graphics that would certainly get annoying as hell with regular use. Instead of password screens being simple affairs, they get full screen animations of cartoon guard dogs that lick the screen when the proper code is entered and probably consume the vast majority of system resources.

Plus, who needs internet porn when there are sexy robo-girl programs that you can simply find by messing around on your computer long enough. That shit's pre-loaded.

If making fun of technological inaccuracies is not your bag, then you'll have to watch the film for its anthropological value. 1993 was a strange and terrible time, and this movie couldn't be more from that particular year if it had a giant neon calendar strapped to it. Everyone wears hip, modern fashions (bowl cuts, flannels, & porkpie hats!), the cops mention "LA" as their excuse for opening fire on a residential home at the drop of a hat, there is a line about junk mail being more irritating than Howard Stern, the soundtrack is all contemporaries of MC Hammer, the production design is firmly rooted in the era, and the TV show "In Living Color" gets a prominent cameo.
If you are computer geek, and your head hasn't exploded over the rampant innacuracies, then you'll certainly enjoy seeing all the signs and posters in the background of the computer store scenes. You can make a game of it: pause and see how many companies with visible logos are still around today.

"I call her butt an onion, because it makes me cry." - An actual line of dialog from this awful movie. Someone somewhere thought that was good writing.
"Someone, somewhere thought that was good writing"
ReplyDeletecough coughwayansbrotherscough cough!
Also I was just in a Computer Renaissance about two weeks ago, and it looked JUST LIKE that computer store. Not a thing had changed.
Also Also, I just recently saw an episode of Simon and SImon that has some relevance to this (episode 3, season1 "Trapdoors"). I will try to relate the important aspects to you when I have some time.
If you mention your Grandma's Tweeter one more time…
ReplyDeleteIf you mention your Grandma's Tweeter one more time…the first on-screen toilet was in Psycho